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I Hate Being Sick

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I hate being sick. Especially because as long as I can remember, I have never gotten sick on my own. Every time I get sick there’s always someone saying, “I’m sick…” and they’re not smart enough to isolate themselves from the general public. My symptoms are pretty horrible too: body aches, headaches, feeling really cold then hot, sweating, coughing non-stop, super runny nose and congested nose (how does that work?), coughing up mucous-y phlegm…the list goes on. I don’t like being indoors most of the day sleeping and feeling restricted from doing anything outside, especially since the hurricanes and tornadoes of Southern California are going on right now. Double bummer.

Today, rather than being a pooper, I decided to find some things to occupy my time. I caught up on news around the world, drank a lot of delicious soup, went to see the doctor and pick up medicine, watched some Dexter Season 3, listened to a lot of good music and surfed youtube for some good music. Now the following clip cheered me up but the one after it… I just simply couldn’t stop laughing. And coughing. But it was worth it. Make sure you watch until 2:12 into each video, that’s where it gets good.

Apparently, some composer recorded himself and did all the things he hears singers do wrong when they try to sing for him. He then got this bald guy to lip sync to it. Pretty funny, but not as good as the one below. I don’t know how long it took for him to nail down the entire song perfectly but his facial expressions are what put this video over the top.

At least these videos cheered me up a bit. Okay, back to sleep!..or Dexter…

Written by jonewantsm3

January 20, 2010 at 9:10 pm

Posted in Rant

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